Thursday, March 6, 2008

Explanations for the move

I started this as a separate place to put all of my class work for the Flemish garb. It was cluttering up my two other garb blogs and it was just not fitting into them like I thought they should.

Over the next few days I'll get my posts for this blog up to date. Tonight I'll get the first one up. Hopefully, I provide a resource for other garbers with an eye for the authentic.

To those of you just getting here: I was asked to finish and present a concentrated 1/2 hour version of the class I began last summer for presentation, twice at Squire's Revolt. The event is at the end of April this year, which means I have to buckle down and finish this project and the class set-up in about a month and a half.

This is good and bad for me. Bad because I usually wait until the last minute to work on any garb--which is why this class went unfinished last year. Good because it has forced me to seriously dig into the research and creation. At home, there is a pile of fabric with this project's name on it--which is farther than I got last year.

My goal is to fit and finish everything myself with only the help of Bryan to pin and fit. I'm nearly ready to start measuring and cutting. I hope to get to that by this weekend. Cross your fingers.

So that's all for now. More updates soon.

Yours in Service to The Dream,

Gillian de Chelseye
Deputy Chronicler, Canton of Ealdnordwuda

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